How to Change Font of Computer or Laptop

Today I will tell you how can you change the font on your computer. As you have seen that in the Samsung MI mobiles can change the font easily by the going in the setting. but you can also change the font in your computer. For this you have to do some steps which is given below we have to go step by step after the you can change your PC or laptop font. 

Step 1: Right Click on the your desktop window and click on Personalize

Step 2 : Click on Window Color.

Step 3 : Now click on Advanced appearance settings....

Step 4 : Here you are to select where you want to change font or font of colour if you get visible option for the background or the statement colour you can also change of that.

Step 5 : here can change every you can change Task bar, Status bar, Scroll bar, every single thing in your computer which visual front of you on the desktop of our windows.

If you want to more understand you can watch my video on my channel. to watch Click Here
or you can watch below

I hope you will feel do good with my Article. If you have any kind of questions or query you can comment me below.

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